Thank you for choosing to volunteer with Keeping Dreams Alive Foundation, Inc. We appreciate and value your contribution of time, talent, passion, energy and enthusiasm to help us build the best volunteer program ever. We invite you to collaborate with our staff, board of directors, and your peer volunteers. Your vision and leadership skills are essential to the success of KDA. We’re all in this together.
We empower young people 13-26 years old to script their own futures. We help you identify and manage your dreams, develop your thinking power and decision making skills, as well as spotlight your hidden talents so you can personally thrive and give back to your communities now and long term.
Volunteers have been vital to the success of our program since 2001. We hope you will find volunteering with us to be more than you ever dreamed possible.
The purpose of this handbook is to introduce you to our program, its history and its mission. Inside you will also find guidelines, policies and information on how your role on our team will benefit you, our program and our community. The information is intended to inform you of your responsibilities as a volunteer, and as a reference to be utilized at your convenience should you have any questions. The content and materials in this guide may be modified at any time in order to provide you with the most updated information available.
We are a family at Keeping Dreams Alive Foundation and are thrilled and honored to welcome you onboard. We are here to help make your experience enjoyable, productive, and rewarding. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For a copy of our Volunteer Policy & Procedure Handbook please click on the following link KDA VOLUNTEER POLICY & PROCEDURE HANDBOOK
Erin Curren, Volunteer Coordinator 'Volunteer to Win'